Raw Materials Value Chains: Innovative Strategies for a Sustainable and Competitive Europe
EUMICON's report about the EIT Raw Materials Summit 2024, held in Brussels from 14 to 16 May 2024.
A dialogue with professionals and experts on the next European Elections 2024.
Raw Materials Week 2023 in pictures
Lifting raw materials supply to the next level – For a sustainable and resilient EU
Raw Materials Week 2023
Raw Materials Week 2022 in pictures
Green Deal Materials: Enablers of the twin transition
Energy crisis and geopolitical tensions pose enormous challenges for the raw materials industry
Raw Materials Week
A Common Vision
25 Ideas For a Future Made in Europe
25 Ideas For a Future Made in Europe
Made in Europe, still a value for EU politics?
Co-organised with the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy of Austria
Leobener Bergmannstag 2012